Featured Artist - August 2022
Opening Reception: July 29th from 6-9 pm with Artist Talk at 8:30 pm
Studio ArtFarm 120 E 4th Ave. Mount Dora, FL

The natural world empowers me to feel less alone in my conflicts; to feel smaller and part of something bigger, simultaneously. I often reflect on humanity’s complex relationship with nature; how the same forces that bestow the wonder of fiery pink sunsets, aqua blue surf, and starry skies also deliver catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions, torrential storms, and blazing wildfire and now, humans are having a great impact on the frequency of these occurrences. Taking a step back to reflect on these notions that go beyond the sphere of daily life serves as a reminder that each of us is a temporary spec, on a pale blue dot floating in infinite space; that before and after our existence mountains will rise and fall and stars will burn out and ignite.
My work is about this moment when an individual is reminded of the true scale of things, the “big picture” and, the conflict of existence in which we are at once the nucleus of our own personal lives and a blip on the ultimate timeline. As humans, we have always used story, myth, and parable to relate the great paradoxical nature of nature to our own life’s successes and pitfalls. It is my belief that these moments and stories give us the courage to turn our struggles and losses into strengths; to fortify our passions and seize what joy we may against the odds. I see my work as a contemporary contribution to the age-old stories of rebuilding and rising up through lightning, flame, ashes, dust and, self-reflection.
Who doesn’t love a good comeback story?

Amanda Seckington considers herself a Florida native although she was born in Hawaii and frequently relocated as a military brat in her youth. She spent several years in Asheville, North Carolina where she held a studio in the River Arts District before relocating back to Florida. Much of the imagery incorporated in her work is taken from the places she’s lived. She received her BFA in Fine Arts Painting from the Ringling College of Art & Design.